Conservación de Mobiliario Urbano

Conservación de Mobiliario Urbano

Nosotros nos ocupamos de todo.

Efectuamos el mantenimiento de todo tipo de mobiliario y accesorios urbanos, ubicados tanto en la vía pública como en parques y jardines de ciudad o periurbanos.

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Aseos públicos

Inspección y resolución de incidencias de sistemas mecánicos, eléctricos y electrónicos; ajuste de horarios de uso; máxima limpieza y desinfección interior/exterior; repintado, sustitución de elementos deteriorados y reposición de productos de uso higiénico diario.

Aseos públicos

Vallados, bolardos y cerramientos

Mantenimiento y reparación de vallados peatonales y de jardines, y de cerramientos de instalaciones deportivas. Mantenimiento y reparación de bolardos, tanto fijos como móviles.

Vallados, bolardos y cerramientos

Otro mobiliario

Reparación, barnizado o pintado de bancos y mesas de pic-nic de cualquier fabricante. Mesas de ping-pong, canastas y porterías,… cada equipamiento deportivo se encontrará en perfecto estado para su uso diario.

Otro mobiliario


Qatar relies on CONTENUR to upgrade containerization in the country Qatar relies on CONTENUR to upgrade containerization in the country Qatar relies on CONTENUR to upgrade containerization in the country Qatar relies on CONTENUR to upgrade containerization in the country Qatar relies on CONTENUR to upgrade containerization in the country

Qatar relies on CONTENUR to upgrade containerization in the country

CONTENUR succeeds in supplying more than 12,000 units to the Qatari Government and consolidates its position within the Middle East region. The container model chosen by the Ministry of Municipality has been the two-wheeled bin with a capacity of 360 liters.

CONTENUR supplies more than 40,000 rear-loading container units in the Kaunas region (Lithuania)

CONTENUR supplies more than 40,000 rear-loading container units in the Kaunas region (Lithuania)

The project, which started at the beginning of last year, was one of the largest deliveries in the company's history. In total there were more than 40,000 units of two-wheeled containers with a capacity of 120 and 240 litres in green and blue respectively for separate waste collection.

CONTENUR presents the advantages of the side loading system at ISWA World Congress CONTENUR presents the advantages of the side loading system at ISWA World Congress CONTENUR presents the advantages of the side loading system at ISWA World Congress

CONTENUR presents the advantages of the side loading system at ISWA World Congress

At the beginning of November, CONTENUR attended the ISWA World Congress, where it presented the advantages and benefits of side-loading collection in a presentation. CONTENUR is the market leader in s...